
Bluebeard's Bride

Created by Marissa Kelly

Bluebeard's Bride is a horror tabletop RPG in which you play aspects of the Bride's psyche investigating your husband's haunted manor.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #34: The Final Book of Rooms PDF!
about 6 years ago – Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 09:48:20 PM

This door is dark wood, shining with polish, and the patterns in the wood grain give the illusion of a topographic map, rises and falls your fingers ache to caress. The handles arch in a wide curve, sparkling from the dusting of diamonds embedded in their smooth surface. Inside, a tall dark green press looms in the middle of the room, and a heavy iron guillotine paper trimmer lurks in a corner.

There’s a dark spill of liquid under the guillotine trimmer, pooling next to a pair of legs sticking out from underneath. The legs are clad in soft buff leather pants, laced up the side, and soft leather slippers. They twitch and jerk, and you find yourself drawn closer, unsure if the liquid is oil from a servant’s maintenance of the machine, or something far worse...

The final Book of Rooms is here! 

After much pushing, prodding, pulling, and proofing… the final PDF for the Book of Rooms has arrived. We’ve already pushed out codes via Backerkit, so backers who backed at the Garden level or above, have something new in their downloads section on Backerkit: a code for the final PDF on DriveThruRPG at no cost! 

(If you’ve lost the link to Backerkit, follow this one here:

This is just a quick update before locking ourselves back in the mansion as we await the shipment of the physical copies of the Book of Rooms. We’ll be back soon with details on how to get your copy of this shuddersome supplement. We’ll even have a few copies available for those who did not order a copy during the campaign. 

Also, the Book of Rooms will be going live for non-backers tomorrow on DriveThruRPG, so we'd appreciate it if you'd take a moment to leave a review. Reviews really help us, and we value being able to see your thoughts on our creations.

Thank you all so much for your continued support! We love hearing your stories from around the table, so please continue to share them with us!

Update #33: The Book of Rooms is here!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2018 at 01:08:23 AM

The keyring shivers in your grasp, each key adding its own voice to the cacophony - the delicate knock of brass hitting ivory, the high ping of glass colliding with shell, the hiss of iron sliding against marble. You tap your nails over the carvings, over the teeth gaping at the end, as you wait for inspiration to strike.

Looking for the one key. Like you looked for the right man. The right ring, the right dress. The right start to your life.

You pass hallway after hallway, each door adding its own shade to the palette - the bright flash of magenta swallowed by indigo, the garish shimmer of gold darkening to blood red, the vivid jolt of turquoise surrendering to black. You pass your gaze over the paint, over the metal shining from polish, as you wait for one to feel perfect.

Waiting for the one door. Like you waited for the wrong man. The wrong vow, the wrong choice. The wrong end to your life.

You stop when one key, one door, catches your eye. Just like you caught his.

You know they fit together. Just like his ring fit you.

You can’t stop yourself from putting key to lock. Just like he predicted.

You close your eyes...and turn the key.

The Book of Rooms arrives! 

While this is not the final version, the book is here in its entirety. Everyone who gets a PDF copy of the book should receive a notice about the digital copy, and should be able to directly download it from Backerkit. This is everyone at the Garden level and above. The Book of Rooms file is what you'll see in the book, while the Secret Wing is a PDF Kickstarter exclusive.

This is our last chance to make any changes before we go to print. If you find any errors, typos, or mistakes, please send your feedback to [email protected] by Friday, January 12th.

If you didn't get an email, you can download it directly here:

And if you don't see it in your Backerkit, email us and we’ll get you sorted out. 

Next Steps 

We’ll be proofing and printing the print copy of the Book of Rooms next, with the Deck of Objects and Tarot of Servants soon after. We’ll keep you updated about shipping as we get into that process.

Enjoy the Book of Rooms - and let us know what you think!

Thank you for all of your support. This project wouldn’t be what it is without all of you.

Update #32: A Very Blue Solstice
over 6 years ago – Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 01:06:25 AM

The door is decorated with shimmering ribbons, with golden ornaments and strands of silver tinsel. When you open it, a wave of heat, like a breath, pours out upon you. The room is lit by the glow of three fireplaces, one on each wall, all of them crackling happily—an overture of flame. In your dress, the warmth is oppressive, and you feel the first trickles of sweat beginning to run down your back.

The walls are adorned like the door, covered in colorful streamers and scintillating metallic ornaments, each one a mirthful woman, laughing gleefully. A tall tree, its needles almost black, towers in one corner of the room. Its branches are covered in the same glinting tinsel and feminine ornaments, a sea of bodies amid the dark green. Opposite the farthest fireplace sits a massive red armchair, its back to you.

You hear a noise from the chair as you step inside. Someone steps up from it, pushes the whole chair back as they rise. A massive figure, wearing a long blue coat limned in fur. White hair flows from underneath his large red cap, and cascades down from his face in pearly waves.

“Hello, my dear,” he says, and a grin splits the beard open. His eyes are black, like coal.

“It is fortuitous you arrive on such a day, my dear. Come, celebrate with me.” He bends one large, wrinkled hand towards you, and your legs betray you, start moving on their own.

“Today is a day to celebrate the turning of the year, when the cold of winter surrenders to the inevitability of summer returning. A day to celebrate those of us who are good and just, and to properly punish those of us who are sinful and tainted.” The ornaments, the golden women, they are not laughing anymore, they are screaming noiselessly, endlessly.

When you stand in front of him, he puts his large hands on your shoulders.

“So, my dear,” he says, his voice rumbling from all around you. “Have you been nice? Or...naughty?”

Final Updates 

Hello everyone! We’re going to be closing down operations for the holiday break, so this will be our last update for the year. We’ll be back on January 8th. If you have any questions or issues you can still send us a message and we’ll get back to you in 2018.

In the meantime, we want to take this opportunity to go over a last few things, and to reflect on the year!

First of all, the books have been shipping out to everyone! We hope that you’ve received your copy by now. If you haven’t received your copy by the end of the month, please be sure to send us a message. We’ll help you out straightaway once we get back.

Second of all, we’re on track for the remaining items to come out in 2018! That includes the Book of Rooms, Book of Lore, Book of Mirrors, Deck of Objects, and Tarot of Servants. We’ve got many of the art pieces all finished, the writing is well underway, and every one of these projects is looking good as it comes together. In particular, we’re next aimed at the Book of Lore and the two decks of cards.

We’ll be bringing you more updates in the new year as these projects progress!

Thank you for sticking with us, supporting us, and helping to make this year so awesome for Bluebeard’s Bride!

Corebook Shipping & PAX Unplugged
over 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 09, 2017 at 10:12:15 PM

The books are here from the printer and it looks beautiful!


It is time to get the physical book into your hands. We are shipping this weekend and early next week. Here is what we are shipping now: 

  • Core Book 
  • Limited Edition Core Book 
  • Ring 
  • Silk-print Bride Sheet 
  • Token Set 
  • Customized Bluebeard's Bride Dice 
  • Engraved Lanterns

Domestic backers should receive this package well before Thanksgiving. Please let us know at [email protected] if you don’t have your package in hand by the end of the month.

International backers should expect to receive two different packages; one will contain your book and the other will have all of your beautiful -=haunted=- swag (ring, silk sheet, tokens, and dice). Some of you will get your order within a week while others may take up to a month for international shipping, but they are on their way! 

PAX Unplugged Pick-up (Time Sensitive) 

For those of you who will be at PAX unplugged we are offering booth pickup for your orders!

Please fill out this form by Saturday the 11th (8am EST) if you wish to pick up your order at the convention:

After you have filled in all of your information, come to the Magpie Games booth #442 and we will have all of your goodies!

If you would rather them be shipped to you, just sit tight and they will be at your doorstep very soon! 

PDF Copies 

I know we have mentioned this before, but everyone who gets a digital copy of the book also receives a link through Backerkit so you can add the PDF book to your digital library on DTRPG. That way, you’ll have a DRM-free version of the book always easily accessible, along with all the play materials. We’ve already pushed out these codes to everyone via email, but you should be able to log on to Backerkit here if you didn’t get an email: 

Still to come… 

You still have more amazing Bluebeard’s Bride content to look forward to. Stay tuned as we update you on the progress of the rest of the line:

  • Book of Rooms 
  • Book of Mirrors 
  • Book of Lore 
  • Bluebeard's Bride Slipcase 
  • The Deck of Objects 
  • Tarot of Servants 
  • Art Prints

Now that the corebook is done, we’re turning our attention to both the supplements and the remaining accessories. We’ll have updates about concrete timelines for everything after the first of the year.

Thank you for all of your support. This project wouldn’t be what it is without all of you.

Corebook PDF Release!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 01:25:50 AM

You’ve ventured throughout the manor, and you are changed. You wear still the beautiful slippers of your wedding day, but your feet feel chafed, cramped, and bloody from walking. 

Your dress is a perfect, pristine white, same as it was the moment you came here, but to your mind it seems splashed with blood and your fingers, it feels crusted with muck and slime. 

The hall around you is made of carved black marble, gilded with veins of gold forming the patterns of dancing nude women, each one a beauty for the ages...but to you, each one is screaming in agony.

And there, at the end of the hall, is the door. The last door. The forbidden door.

In your hand, that final key. Heavy with the weight of consequence, pulling your arm to the floor. You can barely see it through the tears in your eyes. You can barely hold it through the shaking of your fingers.

You bear the scars of the truth you suffered in this manor, some of them perhaps soothed with the balm of lies...but not enough.

You must know. You have to know.

The room beckons. You enter, and the door closes behind you.

And with that...your tale begins and ends, all at once. 

The Corebook PDF Arrives! 

It’s here! The PDF for the Bluebeard’s Bride core book is finalized in time for you to tell your own tales of horror this Halloween! We’ve incorporated all the feedback we’ve received, and we’re incredibly proud of this final version, which includes the final corebook and the final play materials.

Everyone who gets a digital copy of the book will get a link through Backerkit so you can add the full book to your digital library on DTRPG. That way, you’ll have a DRM-free version of the book always easily accessible, along with all the play materials. the PDF will be available for non-backers to pick up later this week.

We’ve already pushed out these codes to everyone via email, but you should be able to log on to Backerkit here if you didn’t get an email:

Additionally, here is a link to the play materials, now hosted live on the Magpie Games website:

If you have any troubles, shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll get you sorted out! 

Next Steps: Shipping, Supplements, and More

We’ve already gone through the proof for the print copy of the book, and we’re on track to get in our shipment soon. Our goal is to start getting them shipped out to you in the first half of November. Domestic backers should receive books well before Thanksgiving; international backers should receive books sometime before the end of the year.

We’ll keep you updated about shipping as we get into that process. For the moment, don’t fret if you haven’t received your printed copy yet—we’ll let you know when you can expect to get your copy as soon as it ships.

Most of the accessories for Bluebeard's Bride have arrived at our warehouse already, including the tokens, the dice, and the lanterns. We'll ship those out to you all at the same time we ship the corebook. Thanks for your patience!

In the meantime, we’re refocusing our efforts on the supplements, including the Deck of Objects and the Tarot of Servants, as well as the Book of Mirrors, the Book of Rooms, and the Book of Lore. Look for the Book of Room, the first supplement, in PDF in early 2018!

Convention Schedule

Just some reminders of where you can find us in the coming months:

Sarah Richardson is going to be a Guest of Honor at U-Con, a gaming convention in Ypsilanti, Michigan. It will run from November 17th through 19th, and there she’ll be running games and presenting on panels. U-Con includes Games on Demand, an OSR (Old School Renaissance) track, LARPs, a game library, scavenger hunts, and more.

At the same time, Marissa Kelly will be at Pax Unplugged in Philadelphia, PA. She will be at the Magpie Games booth (#442) when not presenting on panels. If all goes to plan, we may have copies of Bluebeard’s Bride waiting at the booth for folks who didn’t order one during the campaign. 

The Horror Springs Eternal 

Thank you all so much for your patience and support throughout this whole process. We’re so excited to get the final digital book onto your screens, and to be so close to getting the physical copies into your hands!

If you do play Bluebeard’s Bride for Halloween, let us know! Shoot us a line at the Google+ community, or send us a message through Twitter.

Enjoy the book! Until next time!